When everything is going well, it is of course way easier to feel grateful. But especially in challenging situations we need gratitude all the more.
Gratitude, among other, strengthens the immune system. It creates a calmer mind. And it helps to choose and act on positive contributions (while seeing the situation for what it actually is). Precisely because you stay in your power by staying grounded.
So that you can use your experiences for transformation like a lotus flower, that grows literally from the mud to transform into something beautiful and valuable.
Personally I started my gratitude practice more than 20 years ago by consciously taking the time to realize that I had so much more to be grateful for than I realized. My gratitude practice started in an emotionally truly challenging period. That was also precisely why I was open to it. I needed something to change how I was feeling most of the time.
The practice of gratitude has had a tremendous positive effect on my mindset over the past 20 years. It gave me strength, confidence, mental peace, energy, a warm heart and connection.
There are many ways to create more gratitude in your life. In this yoga blog I share a method that has helped me a lot lately. Also, this tool is very easy to integrate into your daily life.
Just by linking your gratitude practice to something you do several times a day anyway. Such as making a cup of tea or brushing your teeth. Or perhaps while washing your hands. ;-) Every time you do that activity, think about for what you are or could be grateful.
With this method:
- you automatically have several gratitude moments a day
- you don't have to take extra time for your gratitude practice because you combine it with something you already do anyway
- you positively affect your mindset several times a day
- the activity you link it to becomes more fulfilled with mindfulness
- you strengthen your immune system daily
If you notice that you forget to apply it during your chosen activity, you can (temporarily) place a reminder for it. For example, if you choose to practice gratitude while making a cup of tea, you can temporarily stick a post-it with your tea bags that reminds you on your gratitude practice. Keep your reminder there until you practice became a true habit.
Would you like to read more about creating more gratitude in your life? Then also check THIS blog.
In the meantime, what are you grateful for right now? What else can you be thankful for in your life?
Enjoy your habits today with love and light.
Aimée Kuntz
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