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1400+ yoga quotes - DEEL 8

7 Jul 2015
door Aimée Kuntz

We hebben allemaal wel eens inspiratie of motivatie nodig. Ook voor iets wat ons zo goed helpt als yoga.  Ik heb meer dan 1400 inspirerende yoga quotes voor je verzameld.

Wat is jouw favoriete yoga quote? Laat je het me weten via een reactie (helemaal onderaan onder de quotes)? Vind ik leuk!


Ik heb echter zoveel mooie quotes voor je gevonden dat ze niet pasten in één blog post. Hier vind je meer quotes:

Deel 1

Deel 2

Deel 3

Deel 4

Deel 5

Deel 6

Deel 7

Deel 9


Voorbeelden hoe je ze kan gebruiken:

  • Gebruik je intuïtie om er een yoga quote uit te pakken en laat je gedurende dag door deze quote inspireren.
  • Reflecteer op één van de yoga quotes door er over te journalen. Zodat je ze kan gebruiken om meer de diepte op het yogapad.
  • Gebruik een yoga quote als intentie aan het begin van je meditatie. 


  1. “Become a vessel for the divine.” ~ Amy Ippoliti, The Art and Business of Teaching Yoga: The Yoga Professional's Guide to a Fulfilling Career


  1. “The more you know, the more you don't know, the further you go in your training, learning, and experience as a yoga teacher, the more you'll realize that there's an infinite universe of knowledge and wisdom to bring to the practice.” ~ Mark Stephens, Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes


  1. “The only way to spread peace is to have peace inside you” ~ Yogi Vini


  1. “Life has two phases one is light and one is darkness. When we are in dark, we can see everything in the light. But when we are in light we can't see what's in dark.” ~ Yogi Vini


  1. “Dance less in motion and more in spirit; awaken the dreamer within.” ~ Shah Asad Rizvi


  1. “S.T.O.P. = Start To Open Possibilities” ~ Richie Norton


  1. “Breath is your link to life; the direct connection to your spirit.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Some offer their out-flowing breath into the breath that flows in; and the in-flowing breath into the breath that flows out; they aim at Pranayama, breath-harmony, and the flow of their breath is in peace.” ~ The Bhagavad Gita


  1. “[The Creator] shines in the cosmic consciousness as a painting in the mind of an artist.” ~ Swami Venkatesananda


  1. “When you grasp the yogic principles and philosophies, you can apply them to any activity you are doing. Then every thing you do is spiritually enhancing your life. And this leads to the ultimate experience where everything you do is YOGA. It is all Union, unifying you with the Supreme Source.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “When we return continually to the present moment and our centered awareness within it, we remember we are eternally connected to the Supreme Source that lives within us.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “It is key to remember we can maintain a genuine enthusiasm and love for what IS, in the PRESENT moment, enjoy it with gratitude for all of the blessings in our lives.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Whether you’re at the peak or the valley of any given wave, remember that this too shall pass.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “The dreams and goals of today will one day either materialize or evolve into something different with time. If we become rigidly attached to any of this, we set ourselves up for the inevitable suffering that will ensue when the thing, person or idea flows out of our lives, or our desire for it shifts.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “We will attract potential partners who reflect back to us what we need to heal, balance and strengthen in ourselves- until we become whole. At that point, we can attract our twin flame or soulmate and enjoy a peaceful co- creative partnership that benefits all of mankind.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Our greatest opportunities are to let go and surrender to that which is greater than our egoistic needs and desires.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “In a world resistant to change, we have to take matters into our own hands. Modern society and culture fails to support our healing by literally encouraging us to sustain our addictions.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “By justifying our harmful negative habits, we live in delusion. We are lying to ourselves. And worse yet, we waste the precious opportunity of living our truth.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “The path to wholeness starts by loving yourself. It always starts there. If you love yourself, you will do whatever it takes to restore your health and happiness.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Every moment is an opportunity to become more enlightened, more open and expanded. Continually choose that path and you will be free.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Feel whatever arises fully, and then let go of any identification with what you’re feeling. You are at choice. You don’t have to go through another moment of suffering. Break free from the societal constructs that say, 'Life is meant to be a challenge.' This is not true. You have the capacity to become the observer of your emotional reactions and check in with your heart each time, to respond from love and compassion. This is the key to becoming liberated from the bonds of emotional suffering.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Please maintain an open mind while exploring the depth and wealth of wisdom that is available through the practice of yoga. You may soon come to see the Union of all religions and philosophies if you maintain an open mind and heart.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “The asana practice is extremely powerful and unique in design. In addition to improved flexibility, circulation, muscular strength and increased energy, and detoxification of the organs, each pose unblocks life force energy (prana) pathways in your body, reprograms your cellular DNA and connects us to our spiritual origin.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “When you are mindful of Spirit and connecting to the breath with an open heart, that is yoga.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “History is nothing new.” ~ Bert McCoy


  1. “When life is foggy, path is unclear and mind is dull, remember your breath. It has the power to give you the peace. It has the power to resolve the unsolved equations of life.” ~ Amit Ray


  1. “Build your home in small moments of joy, and you will always feel at home.” ~ Charlotte Eriksson


  1. “Yoga does not start or end on your mat, but is present in every breath you take.” ~ Evita Ochel


  1. “Take Care of Yourself First- It’s Easier to Serve Others That Way.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “... it was once necessary to proclaim the entire doctrine of Yoga in the fewest possible words.... I did so. “Sit still. Stop thinking. Shut up. Get out!” The first two of these instructions comprise the whole of the technique of Yoga. The last two are of a sublimity which it would be improper to expound in this present elementary stage.” ~ Aleister Crowley, Eight Lectures on Yoga


  1. “When we carry the thoughts of negativity and self-criticism, we inspire just what we don’t want: poor health and an unattractive physical body.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “See yourself as the perfect creation that you are, but at the same time, recognize with sincere honesty, the areas of your life that are out of balance and get to work to improve and grow.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Meditation is defined by not just the mode of thinking, but also the object of thought” ~ Chaitanya Charan Das, Gita for Daily Enrichment


  1. “Be Generous with your Kindness, Compassion & Forgiveness.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Be Grateful- Your Life is a Miracle.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Whatever it is you want in this life, be it material things, a place you want to be, or an experience you want to have, you must first make it real in the realm of your consciousness.” ~ Brandi L. Bates


  1. “Your body is a physical representation of the cumulative effect of all the experiences you’ve had throughout your life.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “In every moment we are faced with choices that will serve our highest intentions, or gratify our unconscious desires.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “The yoga asana practice was developed to get the body in the best physical condition possible, so that the yoga practitioner would be able to sit for many hours comfortably in meditation. In order to reach the higher spiritual vibrations we must be as strong, flexible and open as possible.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “If we are not living IN our bodies, honoring them as our TEMPLE, we are closing off the divine channels (nadis) of energy that run through us. Additionally, when we are not in good physical shape, we limit our enjoyment of our life experience. Thus, yoga is spiritual and physical.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “Yoga is bringing fitness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life.” ~ Amit Ray


  1. “Yogis are not against pleasure. It is just that they are unwilling to settle for little pleasures. They are greedy.” ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Of Mystics & Mistakes


  1. “Om is the things, Om is the ingredient, Om is the container and the content of this universe.” ~ Banani Ray, Glory of OM: A Journey to Self-Realization


  1. “Spirituality is not a religion or a trend—it is a lifestyle. It is a lifestyle of awareness that combines the understanding of faith, body, mind, and soul, allowing us to live modern-day enlightened lives in small and big ways.” ~ Emma Mildon, The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World


  1. “Even if I say something, do not believe this nonsense, but do not disbelieve it either. Just see, "Someone is willing to sit in front of so many people and talk absolute nonsense, something that is totally absurd. Let me see what this is about." If you keep that much openness, the possibility is alive in your life. If you believe it, you will kill it. If you disbelieve it, you will kill it.” ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Life and Death in One Breath


  1. “Authenticity is not possible without embracing the “and” within us. Our minds like to categorize things into neatly labeled boxes. Am I right, or is she right? Let’s stretch our minds to I can be right and so can she. Embracing the “and” is like yoga for the brain. When we train ourselves to hold paradoxes by stretching ourselves out of the boxes our minds create, we stretch into new possibilities and adapt more quickly in a fast-changing world.” ~ Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead


  1. “Asking for outside help, or even if it comes unasked, to allow outside help, needs a certain gracefulness and humility. Otherwise, you cannot allow outside help. Lots of people cannot receive something gracefully. Always, the social ethics have taught you that giving is important, taking is not important. Yes, taking is not important, taking is ugly, but receiving is very important.” ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev


  1. “To think, or not to think...This is the true question.” ~ Bert McCoy


  1. “The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means - not up, not out, but in. The only way out is in.” ~ Sadghuru


  1. “To a realized master, death and rebirth is in every breath. Death is that of body consciousness, ego and limits of the mind. Rebirth is that of the cosmic mind of being the Spirit. In this realization is liberation.” ~ Nandhi Tapasyogi, Mastery of Consciousness: Awaken the Inner Prophet: Liberate Yourself with Yogic Wisdom


  1. “When awake as liberated, each prayer and each moment of meditation is for humanity as there is no more individual ego or identity left. Such realized masters continually gift humanity with the grace of higher consciousness- so that each of us attain our fullest potential in goodness.” ~ Nandhi Tapasyogi, Mastery of Consciousness: Awaken the Inner Prophet: Liberate Yourself with Yogic Wisdom


  1. “On one level, a Guru is just a map. He's a live map. If you can read the map, you know the way, you can go.” ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev


  1. “On the occasion of yoga day, I want to offer you the simplest form of yoga: Namaskar - Yoga for all.” ~ Sadghuru


  1. “In our society, we often tend to ignore what our bodies are telling us and instead are encouraged to medicate the symptoms with sleeping pills, stool softeners, a few beers, and a burrito. The problem with this approach is that whatever your body is trying to tell you gets lost beneath your attempts to cover it up.” ~ Melissa Grabau, The Yoga of Food: Wellness from the Inside Out: Healing the Relationship with Food & Your Body


  1. “The real difference between yoga and religion is this: Religion says believe, do not doubt, often citing the word of God and promises of an eternal afterlife, reciting dogma (unsubstantiated pre-modern myths), while yoga only points the way and urges its students to practice and experience for themselves. In this way yoga is very scientific in its approach to self-knowledge, transcendence and enlightenment. Its message is: Try the practice for yourself and only then can you truly believe.” ~ Gudjon Bergmann, Living in the Spirit of Yoga: Take Yoga Off the Mat and Into Your Everyday Life


  1. “Success is directly proportional to one's ability to turn inward. Yoga is a journey that facilitates the process of reaching inward. Deeper you reach within your inner cosmos, greater will be your understanding of and influence in the outer world. It is this understanding and influence that determines the degree of your success.” ~ Vishwas Chavan


  1. “The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to establish a body that is less susceptible to outside influences – a stable platform to build on.” ~ Sadghuru


  1. “The more you enhance your ability to meditate, the better you will be able to make better decisions and create better harmony either within yourself, at home or at work.” ~ Vishwas Chavan


  1. “Transformational tools enhance one's clarity, competence, compassion, and empower you to achieve anything that seems impossible to you and others.” ~ Vishwas Chavan


  1. “The yogic scriptures paint a picture of perfection, and perfection can be your aim, but I can tell you sad stories about myself and others who have entered into a state of premature holiness with unpleasant consequences.” ~ Gudjon Bergmann, Create a Safe Space: An Inspirational Guidebook for Yoga Teachers Who want to Further Serve their Students


  1. “Not everything that is related to yoga is equally beneficial.” ~ Gudjon Bergmann, Living in the Spirit of Yoga: Take Yoga Off the Mat and Into Your Everyday Life


  1. “Seeds of past karma cannot germinate if they are roasted in the fires of divine wisdom.” ~ Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi (Dutch: Autobiografie van een yogi)


  1. “Coffee, my delight of the morning; yoga, my delight of the noon. Then before nightfall, I run along the pleasant paths of the Jardin du Luxembourg. For when air cycles through the lungs, and the body is busy at noble tasks, creativity flows like water in a stream: the artist creates, the writer writes.” ~ Roman Payne


  1. “Each asana is like a sound or letter in an alphabet. Every letter in an alphabet produces a unique sound vibration. Each asana vibrates at a specific frequency. When asanas are performed in sequence, beautiful phrases or sutras result, producing a mystical language.” ~ Sharon Gannon, The Art of Yoga


  1. “What we see in the world around us is just a reflection of what is inside of us.” ~ Sharon Gannon, Yoga and Vegetarianism


  1. “We create the world we live in. If we want to change what we don't like in the world, we must start by changing what we don't like about ourselves.” ~ Sharon Gannon, Yoga and Vegetarianism


  1. “The time is changing and not only the policy makers of India, but the whole world is realizing the importance of Ayurveda. Who could have thought some years back that people with up-bringing in cosmopolitan culture would prefer bottle gourd juice or gooseberry juice over carbonated soft-drinks in the near future.” ~ Acharya Balkrishna


  1. “Be present and aware of the privilege of living.” ~ Ann Marie Frohoff


  1. "Standing upright facing all storms and tempests like Devalaya, Yog too is like a monument, established like saints and sages, reaching where all the trials and turbulences cease. Even adversities strengthen the bricks and a stone of this temple – such is the power of Yog. The same way, the evasive flow of time might seldom limit the greatness of Yog and Yogis.” ~ Acharya Balrkrishna


  1. “Yoga teaches us that we can have whatever we may want in life if we are willing to provide it for others first.” ~ Sharon Gannon, Yoga and Vegetarianism


  1. “The way you treat others determines the way others treat you; the way others treat you determines the way you see yourself; the way you see yourself determines who you are.” ~ Sharon Gannon


  1. “Whenever I feel ‘less of myself’, or as if I am not as productive as I can be, or abundance is not flowing into my life, or I am not laughing and smiling as much, or my relationships seem stuck and difficult, it is an indication that I am losing that connection. It is like being in a ‘bad service area’ where calls drop out.” ~ Malti Bhojwani, Don't Think Of a Blue Ball


  1. “These practices—asana and pranayama—suffuse us with the energy we need to take on the hard choices and to endure the inevitable highs and lows. What yoga practice will not do, however, is take the place of the hard lessons each of us has to learn in order to mature spiritually.” ~ Rolf Gates & Katrina Kenison


  1. “When you open to the world, the world opens to you.” ~ Djahariah Mitra


  1. “Things that we do every day make up who we are and the results we have in our life. Bank accounts collect from constant deposits and good health is achieved or maintained from what we put into our bodies daily.” ~ Malti Bhojwani, Don't Think Of a Blue Ball


  1. “Without education, confidence does not come.” ~ B.K.S. Iyengar


  1. “Matter is a medium of communication between minds, and everything that exists in the mind can also exist in the body. Furthermore, the body—being the expression of a mental state is developed as a manifestation of the mind.” ~ Ashish Dalela, Six Causes: The Vedic Theory of Creation


  1. “Through the deeply therapeutic practice of asana, we begin to purify our karmas, thereby healing our past relationships with others and reestablishing a steady and joyful connection with the Earth, which means all beings.” ~ Sharon Gannon, Yoga and Vegetarianism


  1. “Paths are many, Truth is ONE!” ~ Swami Satchitananda


  1. “My Maman told me that only the crazy ones and the passionate ones accomplish anything in life.” ~ B.K.S. Iyengar


  1. “A yogi realizes the divinity in him and the divinity that is present in this world. In his own heartbeat and his own regular breath he feels the flow of all the seasons and the throbbing touch of universal life.” ~ Fr. Joe Pereira


  1. "Who will not be delighted to behold the exotic scenery and flora of the barren lands of Himalayas. Similar is the power of Yog which beautifies the deserted life and fructifies hope in the shattered hearts. By taking refuge in Yog, the fallow mind will blossom into flowers indeed.” ~ Acharya Balkrishna


  1. “Care for your body as you care for your home, and care for your home as you care for your body.” ~ Jennifer Carter Avgerinos, The Yoga of Cleaning: An Essential Guide


  1. “He no longer grasped to a strong sense of self. To him life felt more like a dream, a cascade of cause and effect that was completely up for grabs-and he was no longer separate from any of it. Because of that, he could do amazing things” ~ James Connor


  1. “Some perceive God in the heart by the intellect through meditation; others by the yoga of knowledge; and others by the yoga of work. Some, however, do not understand Brahman, but having heard from others, take to worship. They also transcend death by their firm faith to what they have heard.” ~ The Bhagavad Gita


  1. “Yoga isn’t just about showing up on the mat. It’s about showing up in your life, in your day; it’s about opening your heart while standing firm and strong and believing in yourself.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston


  1. “…When you’re in the darkness, know that the light will come. We are light and dark, sun and moon, male and female, yin and yang; life is composed of opposites, in a continuing cycle of change…. When you are in the light, don’t step back into the darkness. Live in that light, and breathe it in fully. I’ve spent so much of my life going over and over the sadness and fear of the past. But we don’t need to go there when we’re not there. When we are in the light, be here, now.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston, Yin, Yang, Yogini: A Woman's Quest for Balance, Strength, and Inner Peace


  1. “For you to make your creative work creative, you must seek creativity from the creator.” ~ Michael Bassey Johnson


  1. “Before yoga, my life was filled with regret about choices I'd made in the past, and fears about choices I'd make in the future. Yoga teaches us how to be present in the present. Once you learn how to live in the now, you realize that the past is a memory and the future doesn't exist. Yoga will help anyone facing anxiety issues, separation and attachment issues (moms, I'm talking to you here!), or serious illnesses such as cancer and depression. It's a practice that slims your body while expanding your heart.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston


  1. “Life is a series of awakenings.” ~ Swami Mukerji


  1. “Yoga teaches more than postures; it teaches you how to trust.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston


  1. “Yoga practices shift our identity away from the ego-personality and its struggles so that we can begin to reconnect with the essential nature of our being, which is bliss.” ~ Sharon Gannon, Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul


  1. “Marriage is never static. There are peaks and troughs, cycles. It is easy to forget that this shifting landscape is really only ever a reflection of the self. Our capacity for attachment determines the kind of mate we attract, and it is through this mate that we are forever transformed – marriage as alchemy, but also as a mirror.” ~ Antonella Gambotto-Burke


  1. “Don't wait for life to happen; life is happening now!” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston, Yin, Yang, Yogini: A Woman's Quest for Balance, Strength, and Inner Peace


  1. “Have a namasté day today. Look into the eyes of everyone you meet and silently honor his or her soul. Say silently, 'I honor the light within you, which is the same as the light within me. And I know, we are one.” ~ Michelle S. Fondin


  1. “Maybe it’s something to do with the movements: the Cat and then the Cow, the twist to the left and then to the right, the reaching up, and then bending to the ground, the constant training of the body to move one way, and then to move in the opposite way. Hatha: sun, moon opposites, dark and light, yin and yang. This must be key in the way yoga shapes the mind and heart, in the way it helps one to understand that every movement has a counter movement, that every action has an opposing action, that the happy parts of life will be met by the sad, and the sad, in turn will be met by the happy.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston, Yin, Yang, Yogini: A Woman's Quest for Balance, Strength, and Inner Peace


  1. “All of the blissful and beautiful aspects of the Absolute are present in each and every person and living thing, but they remain dormant because they are hidden behind the mask of maya. [….] This inner beauty can be discovered and contacted at will through simply turning our attention within, and through the various practices outlined in this yoga.” ~ Balajinnatha Pandita


  1. “Take a Tree Pose in your life.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston


  1. “The trust, courage and strength one develops through the practice of yoga will set anyone up to face life's most challenging experiences.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston


  1. “Because we cannot scrub our inner body we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda.” ~  Sebastian Pole


  1. “Love is at the heart of the world, just as it is at the heart of your life. Your relationships with your lover, your family, your friends, and the world around you define the quality of your emotional wholeness and reflect your relationship with yourself.” ~ Sebastian Pole


  1. “As we embrace our passions and delve into the mystery of life, we unite with the majestic complexity of nature; and if we follow the signs, this can help us understand who we really are.” ~ Sebastian Pole


  1. “The past does not exist unless you carry the remains of it with you.” ~  Alanna Zabel, As I Am: Where Spirituality Meets Reality


  1. “We can’t talk about our own health without understanding our place in our environment, because in order to fulfill our potential we have to live in the context of our surroundings. We have to know our place in the ecosystem of which we are a part, and this means living 'consciously': being aware of nature and how it affects us and how we, in turn, affect nature.” ~  Sebastian Pole


  1. “Your life is a precious gift from an imaginative loving Source that endlessly breathes life.” ~ Dashama Konah Gordon, Journey to Joyful: Transform Your Life with Pranashama Yoga


  1. “It’s not just about recognizing how ‘precious’ every moment is, or about ‘living for today.’ It’s about finding the sacred center of now, and living there, moment to moment, always.” ~ Kathryn E. Livingston, Yin, Yang, Yogini: A Woman's Quest for Balance, Strength, and Inner Peace


  1. “You do not see anything when you experience pure consciousness; you become everything.” ~ Sebastian Pole


  1. “Meditation is both the symbol and expression of our intention to grow. Sitting still, alone with our thoughts and feelings, we can honor missed opportunities, passing desires, remembered disappointments, as well as our inner strength, personal wisdom, and ability to forgive and love.” ~  Sebastian Pole


  1. “For all the types of pain that can lead to suffering there is a solution. Through opening our hearts with compassion to the pain that life brings, we can truly cure our pain and avoid our suffering. Then we can walk in the valley of love and experience the vast space within our heart.” ~ Sebastian Pole, Discovering the True You with Ayurveda: How to Nourish, Rejuvenate, and Transform Your Life


  1. “I just know about sweat and frustration. And that what I once thought was impossible somehow doesn't always stay that way permanently. One day it's suddenly easy and accessible, and mostly because I've stopped struggling against it. I've just accepted where I am, keep showing up, and then the change just happens.” ~ Edward Vilga, Downward Dog


  1. “No knife cuts as swiftly, deeply and precisely as the blade of the Beloved.” ~ Tiziana Stupia, Meeting Shiva: Falling and Rising in Love in the Indian Himalayas


  1. “Possessing strength and stillness is a sign of balance: power and serenity combined in one moment. It’s challenging enough to hold either one, let alone both, in perfect equipoise, but that is the goal if we want to be balanced.” ~ Sebastian Pole


  1. “A peculiarity of the nature of your mind is that, in contrast to your physical constitution (dosha) that is fixed from birth, it can be altered through discrimination and choice.” ~ Sebastian Pole


  1. “What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos.” ~ Osho



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