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26 Jul 2019
by Aimée Kuntz

On hot summer days ice cream seems even more delicious than on other days. However, I prefer to keep refined sugars out of my food as much as possible. That's why I then often make nicecream, also called soft serve. This is also a perfect alternative if you are looking for a lactose-free or vegan ice cream. So enough reasons to share my recipe with you.


Did you know that nicecream is super easy and quick to make. You just have to think about putting the bananas in the freezer in time.


In this blog you will find the recipe for bananas and chocolate nicecream. With this basis,, you can make countless other variants yourself. By adding toppings of your choice you could make even more beautiful bowls.


Or add a superfood that can support you right now. I myself have added half a teaspoon of cordyceps powder to the chocolate nicecream, a mushroom that is used in traditional Chinese medicine and that goes well with the taste of cocoa.


Where does the name "nicecream" come from?

It is called nicecream as a reference to the English ice cream, but then nice for your body. Others call it  soft serve because the consistency is somewhat softer than "regular" ice cream.


Ayurveda & traditional Chinese medicine about ice

Maybe you belong to the people who always like to eat ice cream. Whether the weather is cold or warm. But even though the recipe in this blog is this healthy nicecream version, in some cases it is not always advisable to eat ice cream from a holistic perspective.


Working with properties in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda we look at what we can do to create more balance. For this we look at properties, including for example cool and warm. Using properties and classifying them is just a way to make working towards balance easier. Ayurveda has thereby classified properties via the doshas vata, pitta and kapha. By the way, it is very well possible that your constitution with which you were born (for example, pitta-kapha) is different from the characteristics in which you currently have an imbalance (for example, a vata imbalance).


Although Ayurveda classifies in these 3 doshas, we are actually still looking to the individual in Ayurveda. So an advice for a specific pitta-vata person can definately differ from the advice for another person with the same dosha constitution.

Also the current circumstances may ask for different tools than you would expect if you only looked at the constitution with which you were born. Also be sure to check which season it is: if it is cold outside, for example, it is more difficult for your body to warm up again than on a hot summer day (summer is the pitta season). Furthermore, if you currently have a big vata or kapha imbalance, then it might possibly be better to not eat ice at all, even on hot summer days.  


My advice: feel for yourself what effect your food has on you. Even before you eat something, you could use your intuition about which choices would serve you best. Moreover, try to notice how you feel after eating something. As well immediately afterwards, later in the day, the next day and over several weeks (the last one in respect to food patterns). What do you notice in your digestion and energy level? Is this effect different from the same diet in other seasons? The more you do this, the more patterns you will recognize, the better you get to know your body and the more effectively you can use your food to create more balance. How does it nourish you best? If you still want help with this, an Ayurvedic doctor might be able to help you on your way.


Ice and the spleen meridian

In traditional Chinese medicine, ice is not recommended if you have Spleen Qi Deficiency. In that case, warm foods helps to create more balance.



Ingredients banana ice - the basis

  • 2 (very) ripe bananas
  • Optional: a dash of vegetable melk


For chocolate ice add in addition:

  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of raw cacao
  • Optional: compatible superfoods (for example 1/2 teaspoon of cordyceps)
  • Optional: 2 table spoon of nut butter (I like hazelnut butter)


Other necessities: 

Powerful blender or handmixer



  • Cut or break the ripe bananas into small pieces and freeze them for at least 4 hours in advance
  • Mix the frozen banana in the blender with the hand blender until it is creamy and creamy. Add a little dash of vegetable milk if mixing asks to much from your mixer otherwise.
  • Add cacao and/or superfoods to taste


Other recommendations:

  • Only add the necessary vegetable milk as far as your mixer needs it. Nicecream is already quite soft by itself and the more vegetable milk you add the softer it becomes. Less is more...


To serve:

  • If you serve it immediately, it really becomes a soft serve.
  • Do you like to make scoops of ice cream? Then first put the mixture back in the freezer for a while. Also useful if you like to prepare it in advance (for dessert).


Enjoy your habits today with love and light!



Aimée Kuntz


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